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Henrys Sheep Feed

  1. Henry’s Super Ewe Nut                                                                                                                      

Protein 18%             Oil 5.5%       Fibre 10.0%

  • Henry’s Super Ewe nut is a high-quality diet suitable for most production systems.

  • It can be used to flush ewes before tupping, for feeding ewes before and after lambing

       and as a maintenance feed. The following can be used as a guideline only:

Flushing ewes for tupping                                  from 0.25 to 0.5kg/hd/day.                                                     Picture of a Super Ewe bag

Lambing ewes                                                     from 0.25 to 1kg/hd/day.

Maintenance ration                                             from 0.5kg/hd/day


  • Ideally, group pregnant ewes and feed to scanning %.

  • Care should be taken not to overfeed young ewes or those lambing for the first time

       as this could produce lambing difficulties. Over fat ewes should be monitored and put on limited grazing.



Henry’s Premium Lamb Starter/Finisher Pellets                                                                          

Protein 18%          Oil 4.25%         Fibre 10% 

  • A quality feed for lambs from 5 days old. It should be fed with forage and can be fed to appetite

       (up to 90% of dry matter intake) ensuring the feed is kept fresh in front of the lambs.                                    Picture of a lamb starter bag

  • Creep feeding will increase growth rates and ensure a consistent liveweight gain when lambs are at grass.

  • Continue to feed Henry’s Premium Lamb Pellets until quality grazing is plentiful and weather is not an issue.

  • Feed for a maximum of 3 months.



Henry’s All-Purpose Cattle & Sheep Mix   

Protein 16% Oil 3% Fibre 7.3%

  • A high quality palatable, nutritious mix, designed to be fed

       to cattle and sheep of all ages for good health and performance. 

  • Nutritionally balanced to provide the required levels of energy and protein,

      with essential minerals and vitamins for optimum health.                                                         Picture of Cattle & Sheep mix bag

  • This feed does not contain any added copper or magnesium.

  • Feeding levels will depend on the type of animal and the performance required,

however, the following can be used as a guideline only:

Ewes                                        0.25kg to 1kg/hd/day

Lambs:                                     0.25kg to 1kg /hd/day (as they grow)


Henry’s All-Purpose Cattle & Sheep Nuts

Protein 18% Oil 4.3% Fibre 11.5%

  • A high quality palatable, nutritious diet, designed to be fed

       to cattle and sheep of all ages for good health and performance. 

  • Nutritionally balanced to provide the required levels of energy and protein,

       with essential minerals and vitamins for optimum health.                                                       Picture of a pile of sheep nuts

  • This feed does not contain any added copper or magnesium.

  • Feeding levels will depend on the type of animal and the performance required,

however, the following can be used as a guideline only:

Ewes                                        0.25kg to 1kg/hd/day

Lambs:                          0.25kg to 0.5kg /hd/day (as they grow)

Henry’s Sheep Feed Blends

14% or 16% Protein options available and Henry’s Pedigree Sheep Blend.

Henry’s blends are made on farm in the Cotswolds from home-grown natural Ingredients.

grown under regenerative farming techniques with no fillers or by-products used.                   Picture of a pile of blend


Please see Henry’s Feed Blends pages for full details


Henry’s All-Purpose Sheep Mineral Bucket 

Magnesium 5%, Phosphorus 2%, Calcium 10%, Sodium 8% 

  • Includes a range of added trace elements.                                                                             Picture of Henry’s Sheep mineral bucket.

  • A high specification general purpose mineral bucket for all types of housed or grazing sheep.

  • Easy to use 20kg bucket.

  • Allow 1 bucket for every 30 sheep.



Henry’s All-Purpose Cattle & Sheep Super Energy Feed Bucket 

Protein 12%, Total Sugars 18% Magnesium 1%, Phosphorus 0.5%, Calcium 5%, 

  • Includes a range of added trace elements.                                                                             Picture of Henry’s Super Energy bucket

  • An All-Purpose Energy, Protein, Mineral & Vitamin bucket for all ruminants

      on grazing or high roughage diets housed.

  • Easy to use 20kg bucket.

  • Allow 1 bucket for every 25 sheep.

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